Friday, December 24, 2004


The temerity. The cojones. The naivete. Just what is it that makes me believe that anyone else will get anything out of this blog? The act of formulating thoughts enough to put into coherent entries (ideally) and organizing the all-too-random synaptic firings for my own benefit should be enough. If anyone else does happen upon this and can contribute...well then cool!

So what is Integral Creativity, anyhow? Is it, as Ken Wilber suggests that some people might overcompensatingly argue, always incorporating all quadrants/ levels/ lines/states/types into every facet of a creative endeavor - an overwhelming Wagnerian sense-arama at every turn? Is it simply any creative act perpetrated by any integrally informed person? OK...what the hell does that mean? Is it skillful means applied to any creation, so that more might jump in and play along, coming from whereever they are psychospiritually? Maybe it can be all of the above.

What role does Integral Creativity play across the spectrum of human action - from art to commerce, from personal transformation to parenting, from spirituality to daily tasks? How important is it ultimately to be creative anyhow?

OK, enough questions for this introductory piece. Let's see where this experiment in hubris goes!

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night. I have a drum set to put together for the kids if it were only for them!



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